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It is a thing of the past when teaching and learning were restricted to classroom sessions prominent with white chalk, dusters and blackboards. Now is the era of smart classrooms which make learning fun through the use of digital equipment like the VCD or DVD player or laptops and computers, fitted to a projector.

Smart classes are conducted by a teacher using a viewing screen that is attached to the projector. Students will assimilate the audio-visual information that is projected on the screen and learn about the topic. This mode of learning and teaching presents a mixed bag of advantages and disadvantages. If you are inquisitive to know about the benefits and shortcomings of this mode of education, here they come!


1. Anytime Access to The Expansive World of Online Information

The internet is a treasure trove of invaluable information to students. Storing volumes of data that corresponds to any subject under the sun, a smart class can extract the potential of best online resources in teaching and learning. Most suitable for students who wish to go the extra mile to grasp information that is way ahead of their course curricula, online resources can improve the curiosity and creativity of students.

Teachers can access online information from various educational articles that are published on the net and project the culled information in the form of an interesting presentation. This way, education will not be restricted to referring to printed material. Online sources will bring in an element of excitement to learning when students can bank on the exhaustive information that is published on the internet.

2. Digital Tools Help Students Understand The Topic Better

Gone are the days of traditional black-board education. Now is the age of smart classes which allow the faculty to impart education using PowerPoint presentations, word documents, audio sessions, and video screenings and also through images.
A picture is worth a thousand words! In line with this famous maxim, it is through smart classes that students will be able to assimilate all the information that is presented via these instructional tools. Since the teacher is not writing on the board, students will be able to better concentrate in the class, assimilating audio-visual (AV) information through digital tools like CDs, pen drives and PDF files that will be e-mailed to students.
This pattern of teaching and learning thus avoids the trouble of making notes while the lecture is in progress. Since notes will be provided to them through these modes, they can concentrate better while the class.

3. A Top Bet for Absentees

Fret no more if you have to miss your smart class for a day. Students of smart classes can access lectures at any time since all of them are recorded on digital devices. You can simply download the recorded lectures which are uploaded on the internet by keying in your user ID and password and access the study material which was discussed in your absence. This way, your digital notes will come to your rescue when you miss a day in school; without putting in any extra effort to obtain the same.

4. Interactive Environment Favors Better Learning

The use of digital tools of instruction bring in an interactive environment to learning. It is in a smart class where better transparency is established between the faculty and students. Since learning is linked to photos, maps, images and animated videos, you as a student will be able to establish a strong connect with your faculty. You will be enthused to share your thoughts freely in class, expressing them through writings and drawings.

5. “Go Green” with Smart Classes

Smart classes are a perfect solution to the environmental hazards that are posed by the conventional methodology of education. You will be creating a “Go Green” zone when you will learn about your favorite subjects without the use of paper and pen. You don’t need to rely on printouts and photocopiers which lead to the formation of a carbon footprint. This way, a smart class can indeed become an intelligent and workable way to pave way for a greener environment.